

  1. The artwork is square
  2. The artwork consists of many short black lines, on a white background
  3. The lines all have the same length
  4. The lines seem to be generated randomly
  5. There is an occasional random space where the lines don't spawn
  6. The size of these spaces are random
  7. The line generation stays in the shape of a square (likely because of some margin).
  8. The outermost points on the outermost lines start on the edge of this square
  9. Lines typically intersect with each other
  10. More lines are vertical than horizontal

The Work:


After reading my assertions, I had a question: "How do I generate equal lines?" Apparently, all you need is a circle. I randomly generated my origin points and used this formula to create a start point for my line. To find the endpoint, I subtracted the midpoint from the start point. Then, I added this value to the midpoint and got the endpoint.

The next question was "How do I generate random empty spaces?" The answer: use noise.

The final question "When do I place the line?" was easy to answer. I just needed to place a line above a certain noise value