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Custom Emoji Creator

How to interact:

Simply click on the small icons to customize the big one. There are 4 clear categories: eyebrows, eyes, mouth, and accessories. There can ever only be one (or none) of each type on the big emoji at once. Click the X if you ever want to clear that feature. You can interact with many people at once who are on their own browsers.


Sometimes you want to express an emotion that the current range of emoji's just don't cover. That was the purpose of this project. I took inspiration from iconic internet created emoji's like: Image result and wondered how many other emotions we feel but aren't able to express.

Gif of me playing with it along with a few friends:

My process:

For this project, I essentially mashed together two of the given prompts for when we're 'stuck for ideas': making a space where people can only interact with emoji's, and having the participants construct a monster corpse through body parts. And this is what I ended up with.

My process was pretty straightforward. I looked for existing dress up games on glitch to reference from, and found this one for cats and based the majority of my structure off of it. I spent a long time cutting apart emojis, formatting HTML, CSS, and messing with jQuery, all of which I'd never worked with before. I hit some pretty dumb bugs that I fought with for a long time (for example, not realizing I didn't import jQuery). I struggled a little with understanding the client-server stuff in application to my own project, but it was a lot simpler than it looked once I broke down the pathways.

Here are some notes I took on the given templates:

I made remixes of all of the templates and took notes on how each one worked with This is how I brainstormed to apply it to my program:

I think a part of this project is that I want it to be kind of chaotic and unpredictable. I want multiple people to be able to explore the different options available and experiment. By having many people on at once, everyone with equal roles, it allows for lots of surprises. It is also good as a solo experience. I think of the multi-user interaction as a feature and not a defining point.

I shared it with my friends, and they had a lot of fun with it. At most, I think there were around 6 people messing with it at once, and everyone was amused at the results we were getting.

By the end of this project, I'd learned a lot about HTML, CSS, jQuery,, and glitch, and made something that made my friends laugh, so  it is pretty successful by my standards.