
krawlebplotsedit-2krawlebplotsedit-1  krawlebplotsedit-3

This week, I wanted to work on implementing new techniques or processes that I had never tried before, and find something interesting in these processes that emerged from exploration rather than going in with a set vision.

The two concepts I wanted to explore were voronoi diagrams and polar coordinates, neither were very complex alone, but I’ve never really with either and wanted to see what happened when they were combined.

I began by implementing a very ‘naive’ voronoi diagram which just jumped a set X and Y position, and drew a line to the nearest node, which were placed randomly across the canvas.

From here I explored number of nodes, number of subdivisions (lines), drawing rectangles instead of lines, then moved into 3D, voronoi in 3D rectangular space, cubes, lines, rectangles, etc.

Here is a collection of screenshots of the experiments and iteration as I went along:

process-plotter process-plotter2

Just after these screenshots, I explored the idea of only plotting the ‘end’ of the voronoi lines, which is where the nodes are located on the outside of a sphere, and then adding a variation in sphere radius using a noise function, then connecting them using a single curve interpolated between the points. The result was the thin and wire-sculpture structures that I ultimately decided to plot.

I liked the results because I thought they struck an interesting balance between computational and hand-drawn, where there’s a sense of geometry and space, but the lines are wavering and ambiguous, looking as if they could have been hand drawn:


Code here:

import peasy.*;
import peasy.test.*;
import processing.pdf.*;

PeasyCam cam;
boolean savePDF;

//Array of Node objects, where paths are drawn to.
ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
//Array of Path objects, which holds paths to be drawn.
ArrayList paths = new ArrayList();

int numNodes = 100;
int subWide = 60;
int subTall = 60;

float minDist;
float nearestX,nearestY,nearestZ;

float margin = 30;
float jitter = 10;
float rad = 100;
float ns = 0.2;
void setup(){
  //Visual Things
  //camera things
  cam = new PeasyCam(this, 100);
  //Generate Nodes
  for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++){
    Node n = new Node(map(noise(i*ns),0,1,0,rad),
  }//end nodes loop
  println("Nodes: "+nodes.size());
  //Generate Paths
  for (int col = 0; col < subWide; col++){
    for (int row = 0; row < subTall; row++){
      minDist = 99999999;
      float cRad = rad;
      float cTheta = map(row,0,subWide,0,PI*2);
      float cPhi = map(col,0,subTall,0,PI*2);
      float cx = cRad*sin(cTheta)*cos(cPhi);
      float cy = cRad*sin(cTheta)*sin(cPhi);
      float cz = cRad*cos(cTheta);
      for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++){
        //If the distance between current XY and Node XY is new minimum
        float distance = dist(cx,cy,cz,nodes.get(i).pos.x,nodes.get(i).pos.y,nodes.get(i).pos.z);
        if ( distance < minDist){
        //Set new minimum and record x,y
        minDist = distance;
        nearestX = nodes.get(i).pos.x;
        nearestY = nodes.get(i).pos.y;
        nearestZ = nodes.get(i).pos.z;
        }//end if distance check
      }//end distance loop
      //Create new path from cx,cy to nearX,nearY
      Path p = new Path(cx,cy,cz,nearestX,nearestY,nearestZ);
    }//end row
  }//end col
  println("Paths: "+paths.size());
} // end setup
void draw(){
  if (savePDF == true){
    beginRaw(PDF, "export.pdf");
  //Iterate over path array drawing lines
  for (int p = 0; p < paths.size(); p++){
  }//end line loop
  if (savePDF == true){
  savePDF = false;
}//end draw
void keyPressed() { if (key == 'p') { savePDF = true; }
}//end keypressed
class Node {
  PVector pos;
  Node (float r, float theta, float phi){
    pos = new PVector(r*sin(theta)*cos(phi),r*sin(theta)*sin(phi),r*cos(theta));
}//end node class
class Path {
  PVector start,end;
  float distance;
  Path (float sx, float sy, float sz, float ex, float ey, float ez){
    start = new PVector(sx, sy, sz);
    end = new PVector (ex,ey, ez);
    distance = dist(sx, sy, sz,ex,ey, ez);
}//end path class

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