

Was supposed to go for shattered-glass look, but shattered glass has a lot more randomness… So it turned out looking like a spider web. Heh. Had quite a bit of trouble not getting the lines to overlap, which made adding randomness a lot harder.

Updated to draw shapes using only black lines (no whites), and made the border of the shapes proportional to closeness to center. Had to review some trig to do this. Now it looks like a snowflake people can cut out just from paper. Eh..

import processing.pdf.*;

ArrayList< Arraylist > allVeins;

float defaultDP; //default percentage of length of vein
float currDP;
int defaultV; //base # of veins
int currV;
boolean recording;

void setup() {
  size(864, 864);
  recording = false;

  allVeins = new ArrayList< Arraylist >();

  defaultDP = 1.0;
  defaultV = 24;
  currDP = defaultDP;
  currV = defaultV;


void setNewVeins(int n) {
  setLvl(n, 1.0);

void setLvl(int n, float percent) {
  ArrayList veins = new ArrayList< Vein>();

  for (int i=0; i lvl = allVeins.get(0);
  int n = lvl.size();

  for (int i=0; i lvl0 = allVeins.get(j);
  int n = lvl0.size();
  float da = 0.07;
  float dd = 0.2;

  ArrayList lvl1 = allVeins.get(j+1);

  for (int i=0; i

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