zapra – final project

Revamped spaghetti art

For my final project, I wanted to push my drawing project further by challenging myself to add new layers of complexity.

View project here
View project with obstacles here

One of my initial ideas was to create "heavy" lines that would sag as they're drawn and rest upon existing lines.  I had difficulty creating this effect with all the qualities I wanted,  so Golan  suggested I try his spring simulation examples to experiment working with physics engines. View heavy lines here.

My next step is to get this working with so it can be a multiplayer drawing space. I like the idea creating a new type of interaction by being able to push, pull, and collapse other people's lines as they draw. I was able to get it working on Glitch as a single player app, but am running into some difficulty applying the physics engine with data received from  other clients. View progress here on Glitch