sovid – Interruptions

What I noticed about Molnár's artwork:

  1. The artworks are all squares.
  2. The artwork has a white background with many small black lines.
  3. All of the lines have the same length.
  4. The lines appear to be organized on a grid.
  5. The lines all have random angles.
  6. The left endpoint on the lines on the left edge of the artwork all line up.
  7. The top endpoints on the lines on the top edge all line up.
  8. There is a white border a little bit over the line length.
  9. There are various gaps in the grid but they are all clustered together.
  10. The gaps are not uniform shapes, but are rather spilling into the grid.

My first task was to create the grid of lines - I began by creating two classes - one for an individual point and then one for a line. Then, using a nested for loop, I drew lines of length 22 px. (I had to test various spacing values and line lengths to get as close as I could to the original artwork and that's the value I ended up on) going in the same direction to ensure my grid was working properly. Then, to create the random angles, I used an altered parametric form of an equation of a circle to find a random point on the circumference of a circle with radius lineLength. To create the gaps or "interruptions", I used Gene Kogan's notes on 2D Perlin noise to decide whether or not to draw lines at a certain point on the grid. To reset the sketch, I had to create a new noiseSeed value before I ran redraw() because otherwise the noise function would return the same values each mouse click. At first I attempted to create the gaps without Perlin noise, but having them cluster together in the way Molnár did proved to be very difficult.

My sketch is linked here.