
Reverb is done by Madeline Gannon. It is a context-aware 3D modeling environment that lets users design ready-to-print wearables around their own body. One thing I admire the most about this project is the dynamic it creates, both in the transformation from digital design to physical products and the evolvement from the living squid, producing random activity, to patterns that are aesthetically pleasing. Because the work is all generated from a virtual squid, it leaves this complexity of dynamic that the creator can play with the squid around the neck of a person, and leave this trace in various ways. The modeling interface uses a three-phase workflow, from 3D scanning to 3D modeling to 3D printing. First of all, it starts with the scanning phase, where it imports the physical context into the virtual environment. Then, the physical space is translated to a three-dimensional point cloud. The modeling phase will create the expressive digital form through different gestures in the scanned context. The printing phase will translate this digital geometry into physical matter.

Looking at the collar studies, different versions with their elegant curves and intersections all show Madeline Gannon's artistic sensibilities. It also involves effective complexity, combining both elements of order from the regularity and logic in the complex geometries around the 3D scanned context and elements of disorder from the user interaction and manipulation of the virtual squid.