Claker- Book

The book ‘so sorry’ compiles all of the emails I sent from 2011-2016 in which the word ‘sorry’ appears at least once, in reverse chronological order. There were 214 emails that met this criterion, from two different Gmail accounts of mine. Each page of this book contains a redacted version of one of these emails, in which only the sentence that contains the apology is left visible, without its context. Each page also includes the time and date each email was sent. After I included an email in the book, I permanently deleted it from my email account.



The emails were retrieved ‘by hand’ in order to ensure that no sensitive information was copied over. The date, time and full content of the emails were stored in a JSON file. Using p5.js I redacted all sentences that did not include the word “sorry” in them. The book was then laid out computationally in Adobe InDesign using Basil.js.

PDF of the book: So Sorry (PDF)

Code for Adobe InDesign layout with Basil.js

Redaction code in p5.js

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