Screen Shot 2014-10-01 at 8.25.22 PM

Beyoncé time

1 PM 1 PM 4 AM 4 AM 10 PM 10 PM

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 1.20.29 AM

This is a one-hour sample of a full 24 hour clock (because what even are arrays??? The way I know how, it would have taken me 300 lines HA). Each hour has a different artist/playlist corresponding with the time of day. The hours are divided only by the song and not the actual minutes and seconds.

  void setup() {
    size(600, 150);
  void draw () {
    background (0);
    strokeWeight (3);
    rect (50, 50, 200, 100);
    //int S=  (  (((hour()*60) +minute()) *60) +second() );
    int S = second()+ 250;
    println (S);
    PFont font;
    font = loadFont("OratorStd-Slanted-48.vlw");
    fill (255);
    if (S<=257) {                         
      text("Beyoncé \"Pretty Hurts \"", 300, 75);
    } else if (S<=626) {
      text("Beyoncé \"Haunted \"", 300, 75);
    } else if (S<= 1001) {
      text("Beyoncé \"Drunk In Love (feat. Jay-Z) \"", 300, 75);
    } else if (S<= 1504) {
      text("Beyoncé \" Blow\"", 300, 75);
    } else if (S<= 1895) {
      text("Beyoncé \"Partition \"", 300, 75);
    } else if (S<= 2273) {
      text("Beyoncé \" Jealous\"", 300, 75);
    } else if (S<= 2524) {
      text("Beyoncé \"Mine(feat. Drake)\"", 300, 75);
    } else if (S<= 2800) {
      text("Beyoncé \" ***Flawless (feat. Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche)\"", 300, 75);
    } else if (S<=3030 ) {
      text("Beyoncé \"Superpower (feat. Frank Ocean) \"", 300, 75);
    } else if (S<= 3296) {
      text("Beyoncé \" Heaven\"", 150, 100);
    } else if (S<=3600 ) {
      text("Beyoncé \" Blue (feat. Blue Ivy)\"", 300, 75);

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