Kira melville Looking Outwards 01

Cloud Piano is a piano that plays music based on the movement of the clouds above. I camera captures the movement and shape of the clouds and a robot presses the corresponding keys of the piano. I am interested in how the artist determined what notes to associate with each image.

Patterned by Nature is a Large-scale lcd sculpture to display  20 down-scaled patterns of nature and to change along with a soundtrack. It is located in the North Caroline Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh and it spans 90×5 feet. In addition, two high-resolution screens show the image and a description of what is on the sculpture at any time through the sequence. The only think I don’t like about the project is how it leaves no room for interpretation, but seeing as it is a museum for educational purposes, Its understandable.!/projects/breakingwave

Breaking Wave is a cluster of  804  metal balls suspended by wire on rotating drums that move each wire up and down to form patterns that mimic nature.  The arrangements look like chaos but for 2 viewpoints, where the pattern can be seen. The theory is that scientists sort through these patterns and data points to create new drugs and cures, and this data is what informs the movement of the wires and the arrangement of the balls. I Think this is really cool to look at and watch but I wish that the meaning behind the pretty arrangements was more clear,


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