Technological, Artistic, and Inspirational

I deeply respect HEX, a four-foot humanoid robot advanced enough to show itself as a modern marvel. Why do I consider HEX to be so special, especially when there are so many other large, more advanced humanoid robots currently in development, such as ASIMO by Honda? The answer is not in the technology used, but rather who built it. HEX was built by one man, Mark Haygood, a retired police officer from Baltimore. See, Mark had no experience in robotics, but he had grit – he learned how to do it through countless hours of research, trial and error, and raw determination. Spending over four years and tens of thousands of his own funds, he finally brought his imagination to life. HEX, when directly compared to robots like ASIMO, falls short in just about every technological aspect, but shines in another: HEX stands as a testament to the human spirit and proves to the world what just one person can do.


By Mark Haygood, 2013. Reported by Matthew Knight, CNN on May 10, 2013.  Link:

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