chaos versus order : cellular matter

ribosomes leaving

Thank you Miles Peyton for helping me to understand trig and arrays.
Initially I had wanted for the tiny particles to be moving around in a circle, continuously, and for there to be a reaction from the cell when the particles leave .
I though of Chaos and Order in terms of cells and their functioning parts. Parts of wholes that are so incredibly important, if we lose them, higher structures and larger ideas cannot be maintained. Even something as tiny as the ribosomes missing would undermine the system.

int numDots;

float[] dot_rotation;
float[] dot_intialRadius;
float[] dot_radius;
float dotSize = 5;
float MAX_RADIUS = 90;

void setup () {
  size (600, 300);

  numDots = int(random(90, 120));
  dot_rotation = new float[numDots];
  dot_intialRadius = new float[numDots];
  dot_radius = new float[numDots];

  for (int i = 0; i < numDots; i++) {
    dot_intialRadius[i] = random(40, 100);
    dot_rotation[i] = random(0, TWO_PI);

void draw () {
  background (250);
  smooth ();
   noFill ();
  stroke (170);
  ellipse (300, 150, 200, 200);
  ellipse (300, 150, 120, 120);

  float mouseNormalized = float(mouseX) / float(width);

  translate(width/2, height/2);
  fill (120);
  noStroke ();

  for (int i = 0; i < numDots; i++) {
    dot_radius[i] = MAX_RADIUS * mouseNormalized + dot_intialRadius[i];
    float thisDot_x = cos(dot_rotation[i]) * dot_radius[i];
    float thisDot_y = sin(dot_rotation[i]) * dot_radius[i];
    ellipse(thisDot_x, thisDot_y, dotSize, dotSize);


  fill (240);
  ellipse (300, 150, 95, 95);
  fill (230); 
  ellipse ( 300, 150, 70, 70);
  fill (190);
  noStroke ();
  ellipse (290, 130, 20, 17);
  ellipse (320, 165, 15, 9);
  ellipse (285, 175, 27, 20);


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