First Word, Last Word and Hype

When a technology or a type of art is introduced, Naimark writes, people are in awe and do not know how to react. On the other hand Schulze explains that people have a surge of blind enthusiasm. In the GHC the middle part is the “Trough of Disillusionment” where there is feigning interest and distrust of said technology, different from FW/LW theory where the middle part is more of the plateau, where there is art that is familiar and art that is comparable. Finally, in the art world a type of art must go out with a bang, something that can’t be compared to anything else after that, while the technologies just blend together and level off in the familiar realm of technology.

I find myself looking at the first art words and the Peak of Inflated Expectations. Maybe its the little optimist in me that likes to see a technology or a type of art at its rawest and brightest time of its life.

Schulze is being resourceful for trying to get away from the hyped up technologies. He is like any stockbroker, buy stocks at their lowest point and sell at their highest. Also, at the Trough of Disillusionment there has been enough trials to find the technology’s shortcomings, and enough hype to see what is good about it.

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