Computational Color Palettes (Wallpaper)

After experimenting with making patterns using Penrose L-Systems and not being pleased with the results, I used this assignment to explore computational color palettes in depth. My wallpaper sketch generates a grid of colored dots based on one seed color. The pattern and type of palette was inspired by a unique design that I found online.

Wallpaper Inspiration

Initially I just tried to replicate that design, using it as a starting point to define rules about color relationships.



After getting my color generators to work as well as possible with the green seed color, I tried with others. Here are the results:





import processing.pdf.*;

int numCircles;
int radius;
int outerPadding;
int diameter;
int internalPadding;
color seedColor;
color backgroundColor;
int numPages;

void setup() {
  size(700, 700, PDF, "julia-dots-wallpaper-purple.pdf");
  colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100);
  numCircles = 6;
  numPages = 4;
  outerPadding = width/10;
  int internalWidth = width - (2*outerPadding);
  diameter = internalWidth/numCircles;
  internalPadding = width/60;
  color green = color(140, 65, 75);
  color orange = color(8, 80, 92);
  color purple = color(268, 52, 79);
  color yellow = color(34, 98, 28);
  seedColor =  purple;
  backgroundColor = color(30, 3, 100);
  // noLoop(); // turn off to record to pdf

void mousePressed() {
  loop();  // Holding down the mouse activates looping

void mouseReleased() {
  noLoop();  // Releasing the mouse stops looping draw()

void draw() {
  int rows = numCircles;
  int cols = numCircles;
  for (int row = 0; row < = rows; row++) {
    for (int col = 0; col <= cols; col++) {
      drawCircle(row, col);
  PGraphicsPDF pdf = (PGraphicsPDF) g;  // Get the renderer
  pdf.nextPage();  // Tell it to go to the next page
  // When finished drawing, quit and save the file
  if (frameCount == numPages) {

void drawCircle(int row, int col) {
  color circleColor = seedColor;
  float randomNum = random(0, 100);
  if (randomNum >= 0 && randomNum < = 80) {
     circleColor = similarColor(seedColor);
  } else if (randomNum > 80 && randomNum < = 95) {
     circleColor = counterClockwiseAdjacentColor(seedColor);
  } else if (randomNum > 95 && randomNum < 100) { 
     circleColor = clockwiseAdjacentColor(seedColor);
  int x = outerPadding + (diameter * col);
  int y = outerPadding + (diameter * row);
  ellipse(x, y, diameter-internalPadding, diameter-internalPadding);

color similarColor(color seedColor) {
   // circle color is seed color, but should vary a little in brightness
   float brightDelta = ((int)random(-4, 4))*10.0;
   float hueDelta = random(-25,10);
   float satDelta = -15;
   if (hueDelta > 0) {
     satDelta = 10;
   } else {
     brightDelta += 20;
   return modifyColor(seedColor, hueDelta, satDelta, brightDelta);

color counterClockwiseAdjacentColor(color seedColor) {
   // counterclockwise next door color and variations
   float hueDelta = ((int)random(3, 7)) * 10;
   float satDelta = -5;
   float brightDelta = 10;
   if (hueDelta > 65) {
     satDelta -= 30;
     // brightDelta += 35;
   else if (hueDelta > 50) {
     satDelta +=10;
   return modifyColor(seedColor, hueDelta, satDelta, brightDelta);

color clockwiseAdjacentColor(color seedColor) {
   // clockwise next to seed color
    float hueDelta = random(8, 11) * -10;
    float satDelta = -15;
    float brightDelta = 23;
    if (hueDelta < -90) {
      satDelta = 25;
    return modifyColor(seedColor, hueDelta, satDelta, brightDelta); 

color modifyColor(color startColor, float hueDelta, float saturationDelta, float brightnessDelta) {
  float hue = hue(startColor);
  float newHue = hue + hueDelta;
  float sat = saturation(startColor);
  float newSat = sat + saturationDelta;
  float brightness = brightness(startColor);
  float newBrightness = brightness + brightnessDelta;
  return color(newHue, newSat, newBrightness);

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