Tagged: MacKenzie

Assignment 3 – Inception – MacKenzie Bates

Read the instructions I gave to the participants HERE

So…. After reading those instructions my three participants were rather confused and ended drawing things that didn’t look anything like what I had expected or wanted.

Were you confused by the directions? Most likely you were.

I switched EMS II sections, so I had already done an assignment very similar to this in Paolo Pedercini’s class. My first time around, I wrote very dry directions and my participants didn’t have much fun.

So this time around I  tried to make the exercise fun for the participants, and my attempt to do so resulted in an utter failure.

The directions overall were rather unclear but step 4’s “Improvise!!!!” was the tipping of the scale. For some reason I had thought the directions were very clear and that all my participants would draw imaginary cities. Instead people didn’t know what to do and they used  “Improvise!!!!” as their way out.

I would rewrite the directions entirely if I were to redo this experiment.


By: Celina (Freshman — Design)

By: Keith (Sophmore — Industrial Design)

By: Random Person in Skibo at 1 AM (Grad Student — Structural Engineering)

Assignment 3 – OpenProcessing – MacKenzie Bates

My username at OpenProcessing is: itbmac
Here’s the URL of my account: http://www.openprocessing.org/user/20736



Check out what I made in Processing!!! LOOK AT THIS!

